Monday, February 15, 2010

My Name is........................!

My Name is Khan, and I am not a Terrorist.
My Name is Thackeray and I am morphing into one.

Again, what's in a name? To quote Shakespeare (who does make it sound so much better),
"What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet"

But the wisdom of the 16th century does not seem to apply in the 21st. But then, why should we expect it to? No one ever claimed that evolution of the psyche would occur with the evolution of the species, though there are distinct signs of devolution!

Some believe religion was established by God / God's Prophets, some say religion is a man-made phenomena. Whatever the case maybe, how has it been made into a killing machine? Growing up in a highly cosmopolitan* environment, I have never, ever heard from common people - classmates, friends, neighbors, about any religion advocating hate crimes and reckless murder sprees.

So, why is this happening? What, or rather who incites these common men and women to turn into communalist and racist bigots? Why are we educated, smart young people still falling into this trap laid out by the power-crazy "leaders" and "godmen"?

Too many questions you say, well, can you give me an answer?

*Cosmopolitan: I am a Parsi, educated in a Christian missionary school, from Ajmer, which is a pilgrimage point for Hindus, Muslims, and Jains. We also have a huge Sindhi population, a sizable amounts of Sikhs, Jews and Buddhists.
Number of riots since 1985: ZERO.